Ohtlikke kaupade transport
Nimi ja aadress | Telefon | Faks | E-post | |
Pädev asutus | Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE) www.energija.gov.al | +(355-4) 238 07 41 | +(355-4) 225 83 19 | thimjo.plaku@infrastruktura.gov.al |
Peamine pädev asutus | Ministry of Defense (MoD) www.mod.gov.al | +(355-4) 222 83 77 +(355-4) 222 66 02 | +(355-4) 222 83 25 | kontakt@mod.gov.al informimi_mm@mbrojtja.gov.al |
Järelevalve | Toll-www.dogana.gov.al Politsei- www.mb.gov.al www.asp.gov.al General Directorate of Road Transport Services / Task Force www.dpshtrr.gov.al | +(355-4) 235 61 45 +(355-4) 226 49 16 +(355-4) 236 39 21 +(355-4) 236 49 53 +(355-4) 223 81 75 +355 68 8015835 | +(355-4) 235 61 45 +(355-4) 236 39 21 +(355-4) 223 81 75 +(355-4) 223 81 38 | drejtoripergjithshem@dogana.gov.al helpdesk@dogana.gov.al policiaeshtetit@asp.gov.al dpshtrr@dpshtrr.gov.al taskforca@infrastruktura.gov.a |
Allikas: International Transport Forum andmed 2022 seisuga
Uuendatud oktoober 2023